Wednesday 2 December 2009

Character information

As the opening to our thriller is very very vague, none of the characters yet have names. It could be said that this lack of naming and character background makes our opening scene all the more tense and thrilling, because it makes it impossible for the viewer to predict what the character will do next.

The Girl (Paige Lee-Edmunds) :
'The Girl' is quietly relaxing on her sofa at home when suddenly she hears a voilent bang at the door, however when she answers the door no one is there. Almost a split second after she closes the door another loud bang in the kitchen is heard and she cautiously investagates.

The reluctant manner in which she investagates these loud noises signifies that she isnt normally caught up in any trouble and lives a normal life, often when you watch a thriller you can tell the spy from a civilian by the way they react to strenuious situations. This is excatly what weve done here, which puzzles the viewers even more as to why shes being stalked.

The Man (Ben Pyner) :
'The Man' has very limited character information this makes the film alot more tense as his identity is not revealed in our opening. No one know why he is stalking 'The Girl' or what he intends to do when he finally catches her.

By James Davies

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