Wednesday 2 December 2009

Shot List for the devils playground

1. Worms Eye (Low Angle) - Paige running down the road
2.Point Of view - Paige running down the road
3.(Flashback) - Medium Shot of a door being knocked on
4.(Flashback) - Medium Shot, the door is now open, nobody is there
5.(Flashback) - Medium Shot, see part of door now closed (See Paige, she looks confused)
6.(Flashback) - Close Up of Paige, she hears a noise and looks round past the camera
7.(Flashback) - Medium Shot - Paige walking down the corridor towards the back door
8.(Flashback) - Point Of View of the backdoor. It is wide open.
9.(Flashback) - Point Of View from Neil - of the back of Paige's head. Moves towards her quickly. She turns around
10.Long shot of church and Paige. She is looking at the church showing relief
11.Long Shot of Paige running down a cobbled alleyway towards the church
12.Medium Canted Shot - Paige runs into the church and cowers in a corner, watching the door she just came into.
13. Two-Shot - See a silhouette from the behind of Neil, with a weapon in his hand. He has come in a different door and is behind Paige - She cannot see him because she is looking at the front door.
14. Black screen with white lettering on it - "The Devils Playground"

By Nikki Freer

Storyboard for the devils playground




By Nikki Freer

Character information

As the opening to our thriller is very very vague, none of the characters yet have names. It could be said that this lack of naming and character background makes our opening scene all the more tense and thrilling, because it makes it impossible for the viewer to predict what the character will do next.

The Girl (Paige Lee-Edmunds) :
'The Girl' is quietly relaxing on her sofa at home when suddenly she hears a voilent bang at the door, however when she answers the door no one is there. Almost a split second after she closes the door another loud bang in the kitchen is heard and she cautiously investagates.

The reluctant manner in which she investagates these loud noises signifies that she isnt normally caught up in any trouble and lives a normal life, often when you watch a thriller you can tell the spy from a civilian by the way they react to strenuious situations. This is excatly what weve done here, which puzzles the viewers even more as to why shes being stalked.

The Man (Ben Pyner) :
'The Man' has very limited character information this makes the film alot more tense as his identity is not revealed in our opening. No one know why he is stalking 'The Girl' or what he intends to do when he finally catches her.

By James Davies

Target audience

The target audience for our 'Religous Thriller' will be adults over the age of 15, I have made this decision becuase the film contains a very tense atomsphere throughout and persons under the age of 15 could find it somewhat distressing.

Our thriller is very hard to place in a target audience becuase of the niche genre our film falls into.

By James Davies

Filming- Saturday 28th November 2009

We planned to start filming when it was light at roughly about 3 o'clock but unfortunately we didn't get to film until half past 4 due to traveling difficulties that occurred when James and Nikki were traveling to the shooting location. This was extremely frustrating as this meant that it was already dark so we had poor lighting for he running sequence which was to be filmed outside. This meant that we only had the one small camera light (of which only one of the camera lights were working ) to light this whole sequence. This therefore meant that on the camera you could only see just less than a meter away and barely that. Yet as we had already filmed inside of the house with it being pitch black outside of the window we could therefore lose all of that footage and shoot the next day or just film in the dark and keep it a bit simpler.

After a brief conversation we came to the conclusion that since it was difficult for some members of our group to get to the shooting location and we were already there that we would continue the shoot and see how it looked and if it didn't work then come back and film at a later date. After i played back the footage to myself on the camera i think it looked but reasonably but im worried about watching it back on a screen as it could look alot darker.

Another thing that i am worried about is that because James and Nikki had to leave early (they were being picked up at six) and working the tripod is not my strongest point, that some of the shots may be wonky. Nikki has since suggested that perhaps this could edge towards a canted look which could work in our favor.