Wednesday 14 October 2009

30th September-Second Prelim task

For our second prelim task i worked with Percelle Ascott and Laura Walton.We had to do a short film on a meeting of two people.As a group we discussed what we would like to do and came up with a short and silly meeting to exchange chocolate.We went out with the cameras and found the ideal location , in the music rooms, as they were quiet and had a corridor outside for Laura to walk down to be filmed.It also has its own little rooms that can be used as an office for the character percy played which was a gangster character.The room also had a table in it for the exchange to take place which was really useful but unfortunatly the room also had a piano in it as it is a music room and if we had had the time and had been allowed to i would have loved to have moved the piano out of the room as the room is small enough as it is and having the piano in it made it difficult to film as there was little space.

Also, we unfortunatly were missing a piece from our tripod which meant we could not use the tripod so we used all handheld instead which made the shots quite wobbely in places.To have resolved this problem i would have gone up to the camera room and borrowed another one.At the time though we had spent so much time finding a location and choosing what to do for the prelim task that we didnt have enough time and just had to get straight on with filming.I really enjoyed this task though as i learnt from it.One thing i learnt is that you actually NEED to use a tripod as when editing and putting the final peice together we realised just how wobbely it was! Luckily we had a few taes which werent as bad so we used them instead.

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