Thursday 28 January 2010

2nd Filming-17/01/10

James unfortunatly could not make it to the second day of filming.This filming had to be organised as we were 15 seconds short in the edit suite.So , i met Nikki at the shoot location at aproximatly half past two on the sunday. we travelled straight to our shooting location- the church and went inside to take shots of the stain glassed windows inside as we both agreed that if we were still short of time and needed to make it up then we could add these shots in to make up for last time.We then went outside and we were lucky enough that it was a really nice and fresh day so we got an amazingly clear shot of the church with the missing poster of our girl also in shot.We then wanted a shot of our kidnapper ripping down the missing poster of our girl.Unfortunatly, our actor Ben Pyner was not able to be there at this time so we were stuck as we neeeded a man as planned do we thought we could perhaps hide his face and he would then look like our actor.So, we panicked and speant a substantial amount of time looking for a man before we realised that if we didnt film soon the shot of the church and the shot of the man would have completely different lightings.So, we ran to the local pub and desperatly asked for a man to act in our media project. i recognised a family friend in there and he happily obliged to come and help us. He, was not a very good actor to be honest and he looked nothing like our actor Ben but we shot the footage anyway just incase it was needed.We then packed up camera equipment and went and waited for it to get dark as we wanted the shots to be the same as last time.At around 6pm which was the same time we had filmed and filmed the parts with ben in.It was all a bit rushed as Nikki had to leave but we managed to fit it all in.

Wednesday 27 January 2010